Booking a Christmas Party in March

March 7th, 2014 by Theme Production


Booking a Christmas Party in March is actually not as crazy as it sounds……

Clients may do this for two reasons:-

1. There maybe few venues that will take their numbers of guests and they have to ensure that they get the date & space they want.


2. They want to get the best choice and the best deal.

Booking a Christmas event in March is pretty much like booking a package summer holiday over a year in advance – there are offers and there are discounts and the venues, delighted, to be getting business sewn up early in the year are much more flexible!

Most hotels will not have worked out their pricing for the coming year and will therefore honour the package price from last year.

Minimum numbers can be negotiated, especially when dealing with venues in March, as there is very little business in this month and that ‘insecurity’ if you like means that they are likely to reduce your minimum numbers to secure the Christmas booking.

It’s certainly worth checking the inclusions too. You’re much more likely for the hotel to add a disco to the package at no extra charge if you ask for it in March rather than if you ask in October when every second enquiry that a hotel gets is about their Christmas parties.

In the events industry Christmas never leaves us but in March it’s a buyers market and a savvy buyer at that!

Contact the Theme Team on 01926 813550 or get in touch on our contact us page!


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